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Mergers and acquisitions


•  Mergers and acquisitions advisory

•  Assets or debt restructuring

•  Liquidation and restructuring

•  Resource and business integration


        Mergers and acquisitions has always been leading the industrial and economic development, especially in current economy, industrial consolidation will continue to push up corporate mergers and acquisitions enthusiasm. Companies have to find the right opportunities and look for the gluttonous feast of capital markets. To meet the rapid growth, companies must first select the appropriate subject, with the appropriate object "in hand", in order to achieve optimal distribution of resources, and ultimately achieve the economies of scale quickly.


        To extract the correct information from the market, to select the appropriate project at the right time, and to reach an agreement on a timely manner, companies need to find a suitable platform for mergers and acquisitions.


        To match with the strong demand for capital markets, Fortune Capital establishes an M & A resource platform. The platform is to provide clients with a portfolio of M & A projects, to facilitate clients with the most suitable acquisition targets on time, as well as high-quality professional services.


        Fortune Capital has a team of expertise in M & A. We will help the investing parties and the divesting parties to execute a comprehensive execution plan, contribute to the successful M & A.