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Investment funds


•  Venture capital fund

•  Equity investment fund

•  Private equity fund

•   Buyout fund


        Fortune Capital has strategically established partnership relationship with a lot of investment and equity funds. We have sophisticate connections with funds and trusts. We can quickly set up a flexible investment fund and meet the needs of client’s project


        Our focus industries include automotive and auto parts, advanced manufacturing, healthcare, consumer goods, agriculture, clean energy, tourism, culture, Internet and wireless applications, animation and games, advertising and media, publishing and digital television industries. With so many start-up, growth, maturity, Pre-IPO companies, the scale of investment ranges from millions to billions of dollars. We pay attention to industry-leading product and business model, innovation, potential high growth and stable profitability industries. Fortune Capital is a professionally, socially responsible enterprise.


        We have established a wide and solid network of contacts, we are not only to bring business funds, our professional team will also provide valuable services to accumulate the wealth of investment and resources for enterprises:    

1.to develop new markets and sales network expansion, brand building;   

2.to provide domestic and international industry resources;   

3.to help enterprises’ development plan, organization restructuring, financial management;   

4.to provide strategic guidance to enhance the overall management control;   

5.to provide senior management with recommendation;   

6.to provide professional advice and assistance in corporate finance, mergers and acquisitions, restructuring, listing process.